Would you like your article to appear in The Arrow? Read our submission guide to find out more.
Having your work published online is a great way to put yourself out there as a journalist. Including a collection of clips in your portfolio or job application can give you a leg up in this competitive field. The Arrow publishes reporting from best and the brightest at Hunter College to create a diverse and thoughtful magazine.
If you have an article you believe belongs in The Arrow, make sure it fits our submission guidelines, then submit through the email below!​
Submission Guide
All submissions must be written entirely by Hunter College students. All majors are welcome to submit, and once you graduate, your work will stay on the site.
All articles must be held to conventional English grammar and spelling rules. AP style must be obeyed throughout.
All submissions must come with a relevant image, taken by or sourced by the reporter. Image credits must be included. All sourced images must have non-commercial rights. All images must have captions.
Student Work
To submit, send us an email here:
Your subject line should be:
The Arrow Student Submission
Be sure to include:
Your full name
Your article, image and image caption
All articles may be edited for length and clarity
Not all submissions will be published
Not all emails will be answered